I love these moment. Time set aside to do what I love - write. I have every intention to write and to write each day. But it is time that I too easily push aside, bury it under mounds of checklists and laundry. It is so easy to give up the time that I try to set aside to write in order to put out little fires. It is hard to write when you can hear the two year old sneaking up the stairs with his Thomas the Train in tow, having slipped away while Daddy is distracted by a diaper event in the other room.Sitting in the gardens today reminded me to stop, to breath, to take time to look, to see what it right in front of me. And, most importantly, to challenge myself each day to break out of my comfort zone.
I am comfortable in front of a laptop screen, 12 tabs open but not really engaged in any one thing. I'm comfortable being Mommy, wiping up puddles of drool, picking up toys, and folding laundry - all at the same time. I am comfortable giving up my writing time.
So today reminded me to stop being so comfortable.
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